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General Information
Code Test Name CPT4 Code
LC-602471 M003-IgE Aspergillus fumigatus-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602455 M006-IgE Alternaria alternata-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602916 M207-IgE Aspergillus niger-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
MG Magnesium
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
LC-003400 Magnesium Urine-LC (24 hr)
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC_058495 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Immunity - LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-183410 Menigitis/Encephalitis by NAA, CSF
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-085324 Mercury,Blood-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-004234 Metanephrines, Frac, Qn, 24-Hr-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-121806 Metanephrines, Frac., Pl. Free-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
MHB Methemoglobin Level
Place of Service: Henry County
MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Screen by PCR
Place of Service: West Burlington Laboratory
LC-706961 Methylmalonic Acid, Serum-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
MAU Microalbumin Panel
Place of Service: West Burlington Laboratory; Fort Madison Laboratory
LC-006650 Mitochondrial (M2) Antibody-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
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