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General Information
Code Test Name CPT4 Code
180836-LC H. pylori Breath Test
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-001628 Haptoglobin-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-006510 HBsAg Screen-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-551610 HBV Real-Time PCR, Quant-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-004416 hCG,Beta Subunit, Qnt, Serum-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-550090 HCV RNA PCR, Qn Rfx Geno-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-550080 HCV RT-PCR, Quant (Non-Graph)-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-706200 Heavy Metal Profile II,Blood-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
HPS Helicobacter pylori, Rapid Urea, Tissue
Place of Service: West Burlington Laboratory; Fort Madison Laboratory
A1C Hemoglobin A1c, (Glycosylated), Blood
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
LC-005595 Hemoglobin, Free-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
HH Hemoglobin/Hematocrit
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
LC-006726 Hep A Ab, Total-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-006718 Hep B Core Ab Total-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-006395 Hep B Surface Ab-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
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