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General Information
Code Test Name CPT4 Code
LC-602452 F001-IgE Egg White-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602453 F002-IgE Milk-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602493 F023-IgE Crab-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602473 F024-IgE Shrimp-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602498 F026-IgE Pork-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602509 F027-IgE Beef-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602487 F075-IgE Egg (Yolk)-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602495 F080-IgE Lobster-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602500 F083-IgE Chicken-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602738 F088-IgE Lamb-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602529 F207-IgE Clam-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602514 F290-IgE Oyster-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-602478 F338-IgE Scallop-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-086231 Factor II Activity-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-511162 Factor II, DNA Analysis-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
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