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General Information
Code Test Name CPT4 Code
LC-138315 Babesia microti Antibody Panel
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-138318 Babesia microti, PCR-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-238307 Babesia+HGE+HME+Lyme by PCR-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-163162 Bartonella Antibody Panel-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
BMP Basic Metabolic Panel
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
LC-480481 BCR/ALB 1 Transcript Detection for CML/ALL by RT-PCR(Quant)-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-764060 Benzodiazepines Confirm, Urine-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-163002 Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab,G/M-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
LC-010181 Beta-2 Microglobulin, Serum
Place of Service: Labcorp
BHB Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison
LC-010330 Bile Acids-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
DBIL Bilirubin, Direct
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
FRBIL Bilirubin, Fractionated, Panel
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
TBIL Bilirubin, Total
Place of Service: West Burlington; Fort Madison; Henry County
LC-138962 BK Quant PCR (Plasma/Serum)-LC
Place of Service: Labcorp
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