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General Information
Lab Code Test Name CPT4 Code
Legacy EBV QNT NAAT EBV by Quantitative NAAT Plasma
Alternate IDs: EBV QNT NAAT
Synonyms: Epstein-Barr DNA Quant, PCR
Place of Service: Labcorp
Legacy LC_138768 Echinococcus Antibody
Alternate IDs: ECHINO AB
Synonyms: Echinococcus Antibody
Place of Service: Labcorp
Legacy LYT Electrolytes
Alert: Test is available STAT. Results within 4 hours
Alternate IDs: LYT
Synonyms: LYT;Lytes
Place of Service: Legacy
Legacy AP EM Electron Microscopy (EM)
Synonyms: Electron microscopy
Place of Service: Legacy
Legacy IFE S Electrophoresis, Immunofixation, Serum
Alternate IDs: IFE S
Synonyms: Serum Immunofixation;Serum Immunotyping;Serum Immunoelectrophoresis;IEP;IFIX;IFE;IFE S
Place of Service: Legacy
84155  Total  more
Legacy IFE U R Electrophoresis, Immunofixation, Urine Random
Alternate IDs: IFE U R
Synonyms: Urine Immunofixation;Urine Immunoelectrophoresis;Urine Bence Jones Protein;U IEP;U IFE;U IFIX Random
Place of Service: Legacy
84156  Total  more
Legacy IFE U TM Electrophoresis, Immunofixation, Urine Timed
Alternate IDs: IFE U TM
Synonyms: Urine Immunofixation;Urine Immunoelectrophoresis;Urine Bence Jones Protein;U IEP;U IFE;U IFIX, Timed
Place of Service: Legacy
84156  Total  more
Legacy PELP S Electrophoresis, Serum Protein
Alternate IDs: PELP S
Synonyms: Serum Protein Electrophoresis;Serum Protein Electrophoresis with Reflex;Reflex to Immunofixation, Serum;Reflex to Immunotyping, Serum;SPEP;PELP;PELP R
Place of Service: Legacy
84155  Total  more
Legacy PELP U R Electrophoresis, Urine Protein Random
Alternate IDs: PELP U R
Synonyms: Urine Protein Electrophoresis;Urine Protein Electrophoresis with Reflex;UPEP;U PELP R;U PELP RR
Place of Service: Legacy
Legacy PELP U TM Electrophoresis, Urine Protein Timed
Alternate IDs: PELP U TM
Synonyms: Urine Protein Electrophoresis;Urine Protein Electrophoresis with Reflex;U PELP T;U PELP TR
Place of Service: Legacy
84156  Total  more
Legacy EMA SCN Endomysial IgA Screen
Alternate IDs: EMA SCN
Synonyms: EMA SCN
Place of Service: Legacy
Legacy LC_138636 Enterovirus Detection by RTPCR
Alternate IDs: EV PCR
Synonyms: Enterovirus RT-PCR
Place of Service: Labcorp
Legacy LENT Enterovirus Detection By RT-PCR, Body Fluid
Alternate IDs: BF EV PCR
Synonyms: BF EV PCR
Place of Service: MAYO
Legacy LC_823969 Enterovirus, Molecular Detection, PCR, Plasma
Alternate IDs: EV PCR PL
Synonyms: Enterovirus PCR, P
Place of Service: Labcorp
Legacy LC_139348 Enterovirus, Real-time PCR, Amniotic Fluid
Alternate IDs: AF EV PCR
Synonyms: Enterovirus RT-PCR, Amniotic
Place of Service: Labcorp
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