Customer Service Phone Number: (208)239-1683
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Lab | Code | Test Name | CPT4 Code | ||||||
PMC | LAB9220 | Rapid Plasma Reagin, Quant | |||||||
PMC | LAB295 |
Red Blood Cell Count
Container: One 4 mL lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2 EDTA).
Temperature: If testing will be delayed, transport refrigerated.
85041 | ||||||
PMC | LAB19 |
Renal Function Panel
Container: One 4 mL plasma separator tube (PST) preferred or serum separator tube.
Temperature: 2-8°C.
80069 | ||||||
PMC | LAB9937 | Renin Activity, Plasma | |||||||
PMC | LAB12666 | Reptilase Time | |||||||
PMC | LAB900 |
Respiratory (Sputum) Culture (Includes Gram Stain)
Temperature: Sputum in a sterile, leak-proof container or swabs in bacterial transport media at 2-8°C. Place each specimen in a separate, individually sealed bag.
87070 | ||||||
PMC | LAB993801 |
Respiratory Panel
Container: Universal Transport Media/Viral transport media.j Mini-tip culturette with a flexible wire and calcium alginate tipped swab
PMC | LAB993802 |
Respiratory Viral Panel
Container: Universal Transport Media/Viral transport media.j Mini-tip culturette with a flexible wire and calcium alginate tipped swab
PMC | LAB296 |
Reticulocytes, Percent & Number
Container: Any lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2 EDTA) tube filled to a minimum of 0.5 mL.
Temperature: 2-8°C
85045 | ||||||
PMC | LAB138 | Reverse T3, Serum | |||||||
PMC | LAB10528 | RF Isotypes IgG, IgA, IgM EIA | |||||||
PMC | LAB10361 |
Rh Type Only
Container: One 10 mL lavender (EDTA), or pink (K2 EDTA).
Temperature: 10 mL whole blood at 2-8°C. (Min: 5 mL)
86901 | ||||||
PMC | LAB206 |
Rheumatoid Factor
Container: One plasma separator tube. Also acceptable: green (sodium or lithium heparin), lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2 EDTA).
Temperature: 2-8°C Submit specimen in a Standard Transport Tube.
86431 | ||||||
PMC | LAB10833 | RNA Qualitative | |||||||
PMC | LAB13581 | RNA, Real Time PCR (Non-Graph) | |||||||