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Customer Service Phone Number: (208)239-1683
Lab Code Test Name CPT4 Code
PMC LAB617 F024-IgE Shrimp
PMC LAB303 Factor II Activity
PMC LAB304 Factor V Activity
PMC LAB9656 Factor V Leiden Mutation
PMC LAB12580 Factor V R2 DNA Analysis
PMC LAB306 Factor VIII Activity
PMC LAB390 Fecal Fat, Qualitative
PMC LAB9677 Fecal Fat, Quantitative
PMC LAB68 Ferritin
Container: Serum separator tube, green (sodium or lithium heparin) plasma-separator tube, or lavender (EDTA) tube. Fill tube completely. Mix thoroughly after collection.
Temperature: Frozen.
PMC LAB287 Fetal Fibronectin
Container: Dacron swab provided in the Hologic Specimen Collection Kit should be inserted into the vagina and lightly rotated across the posterior fornix for approximately 10 seconds to absorb the cervicovaginal secretions, and placed into the tube of buffer.
PMC LAB12825 Fetal Hemoglobin Determination for Fetomaternal Hemorrhage
Container: Lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2 EDTA).
Temperature: Refrigerated.
PMC LAB314 Fibrinogen
Container: Lt. blue (sodium citrate) tube completely filled (see tube fill indicator). Gently invert tube 5 times immediately after collection. Perform testing immediately or separate plasma from cells and perform testing within 8 hours of collection or freeze and transfer 1 mL of platelet poor plasma to an Standard Transport Tube.
Temperature: Frozen.
PMC LAB24001 Fluid Fungus Culture
Container: Syringe, sterile container
PMC LAB70 Folate, RBC
PMC LAB69 Folate, Serum
Container: Serum separator tube. Fill completely. Mix tube thoroughly after collection.
Temperature: frozen. Protect from light.  Submit specimen in a Amber Transport Tube.
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