Customer Service Phone Number: (208)239-1683
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Lab | Code | Test Name | CPT4 Code | ||||||
PMC | LAB886 | L. pneumophila Serogp 1 Ur Ag | |||||||
PMC | LAB95 |
Container: One 4 ml tube Lithium heparin,no gel. (Min: 3 mL) Collect on ice at the bedside or colleciton site Draw the specimen without the use of a tourniquet or within three minutes of applying the tourniquet, but before releasing the tourniquet.
Temperature: 2-8°C.
83605 | ||||||
PMC | LAB97 |
Lactate Dehydrogenase, Isoenzymes
Container: Serum separator tube.
Temperature: Room temperature.
83625 83615 | ||||||
PMC | LAB96 |
Lactate Dehydrogenase, Serum or Plasma
Container: One 4 mL plasma separator tube or serum separator tube.
Temperature: 2-8°C
83615 | ||||||
PMC | LAB731 | Lactoferrin, Fecal, Quant. | |||||||
PMC | LAB475 | Lamotrigine (Lamictal), Serum | |||||||
PMC | LAB188 | LD, Body Fluid | |||||||
PMC | LAB9807 | Lead Standard Profile, Blood | |||||||
PMC | LAB98 | Lead, Blood (Adult) | |||||||
PMC | LAB9821 | Leflunomide | |||||||
PMC | LAB12663 | Legionella RT PCR Panel (BAL) | |||||||
PMC | LAB902 | Legionella Species Culture | |||||||
PMC | LAB477 | Levetiracetam (Keppra), S | |||||||
PMC | LAB99 |
Lipase, Serum or Plasma
Container: One 4 mL plasma separator tube or serum separator tube.
Temperature: 2-8°C. Submit specimen in a Standard Transport Tube.
83690 | ||||||
PMC | LAB18 |
Lipid Panel
Container: One 4 mL plasma separator tube or serum separator tube. Patient must fast 12-15 hours prior to collection.
Temperature: 2-8°C. Submit specimen in a Standard Transport Tube.
80061 | ||||||