All Tests showing LABCORP in the LAB column are available for order using the Miscellaneous Test code LAB2330.
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Lab | Code | Test Name | CPT4 Code | ||||||
LABCORP | 512116 | Y Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis | 81403 | ||||||
LABCORP | 183255 | Yeast Suscep, Isavuconazole | NOCPT | ||||||
LABCORP | 183257 | Yeast Susceptibility Testing, Comprehensive Panel | 87186 | ||||||
LABCORP | 183260 | Yeast Susceptibility Testing, Rezafungin | NOCPT | ||||||
LABCORP | 800836 | Yersinia IgA/G/M, Immunoblot | 86793 x3 | ||||||
LABCORP | 829957 | Yersinia IgM by Immunoblot | 86793 | ||||||