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General Information
All Tests showing LABCORP in the LAB column are available for order using the Miscellaneous Test code LAB2330.
Lab Code Test Name CPT4 Code
DHS LAB2654 Jo-1 Antibody
Place of Service: MAIN LAB
LABCORP 489514 JAK2 E12-15 + CALR + MPL NGS Panel 81219  81279  more
LABCORP 489501 JAK2 Exon 12, 13, 14 and 15 Mutation Analysis by NGS 81279 
LABCORP 489615 JAK2 V617F + CALR + MPL NGS Panel 81219  81270  more
LABCORP 489200 JAK2 V617F Mutation Analysis, Qualitative 81270 
LABCORP 481020 JAK2 V617F Mutation Analysis, Quantitative 81270 
LABCORP 489555 JAK2V617F Mutation Analysis, Quantitative With Reflex toCALR Mutation Analysis, JAK2 Exon 12-15 Mutation Analysisand MPL Mutation Analysis by NGS 81270 
LABCORP 482960 JAK2V617F Mutation Analysis, Quantitative, With Reflex toCALR Mutation Analysis and MPL Mutation Analysis by NGS 81270 
LABCORP 489540 JAK2V617F Mutation Analysis, Quantitative, With Reflex toJAK2 Exon 12-15 Mutation Analysis by NGS 81270 
LABCORP 139340 JC Virus DNA, PCR, Cerebrospinal Fluid 87798 
LABCORP 139380 JC Virus DNA, PCR, Urine 87798 
LABCORP 139370 JC Virus DNA, PCR, Whole Blood 87798 
LABCORP 820115 JCV qPCR (Plasma) 87799 
LABCORP 820121 JCV qPCR (Serum) 87799 
LABCORP 006030 Jka/Jkb Red Blood Cell (RBC) Antigen Typing 86905 x2 


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