All Tests showing LABCORP in the LAB column are available for order using the Miscellaneous Test code LAB2330.
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Lab | Code | Test Name | CPT4 Code | ||||||
DHS | LAB2713 |
Karius Test
Place of Service: Karius
0152U | ||||||
DHS | LAB2487 |
Keppra (Levetiracetam) Random
Place of Service: MAIN LAB
80177 | ||||||
DHS | LAB2486 |
Keppra (Levetiracetem) Trough
Place of Service: MAIN LAB
80177 | ||||||
DHS | LAB2488 |
Keppra (Levtiracetam) Peak
Place of Service: MAIN LAB
80177 | ||||||
DHS | LAB251 |
KOH Prep
Place of Service: MAIN LAB
87220 | ||||||
LABCORP | 630542 | Kallmann Syndrome Genetic Panel | 81405 81479 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 844809 | Kennedy Disease Mutation Anal. | 81204 | ||||||
LABCORP | 764258 | Ketamine | 80307 | ||||||
LABCORP | 790620 | Ketamine and Metabolite, Quantitative, Serum or Plasma | 80357 | ||||||
LABCORP | 806506 | Ketamine Confirmation, Hair | 80357 | ||||||
LABCORP | 806500 | Ketamine Confirmation, Nails | NOCPT | ||||||
LABCORP | 702515 | Ketamine, MS Confirm, Urine, Medication Assisted Treatment(MAT) | 80357 | ||||||
LABCORP | 700477 | Ketoconazole, Serum or Plasma | 80299 | ||||||
LABCORP | 806443 | Ketone Bodies Panel, S/P | 82010 | ||||||
LABCORP | 168141 | Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) | 81403 | ||||||