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General Information
Lab Code Test Name CPT4 Code
LABCORP 016774 Q Fever Antibodies, IgG
Container: Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature.
LABCORP 806606 Q Fever IgG/IgM Antibody Scrn
Container: Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Temperature: Refrigerate
86638 x4 
LABCORP 806617 Q Fever IgM Antibody Screen
Container: Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Temperature: Refrigerate
86638 x2 
LABCORP 182879 QuantiFERON(R)-TB Gold Plus
Container: The QuantiFERON(R)-TB Gold Plus collection kit contains the instructions for the collection and handling of (one each): (1) gray-top (with white ring), uncoated (nil); (2) green cap with white ring, TB1 tube; (3) yellow cap with white ring, TB2 tube; (4) purple top with white ring, mitogen-coated. A high altitude kit is also available for locations between 3350 and 6150 feet; a cap with a yellow ring differentiates the tubes.
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature for four tube collection kit. Stability: Kit MUST be incubated within 16 hours of collection.
LABCORP 182893 QuantiFERON(R)-TB Gold Plus (Client Incubated)
Container: The QuantiFERON(R)-TB Gold Plus collection kit contains the instructions for the collection and handling of (one each): (1) gray-top (with white ring), uncoated (nil); (2) green cap with white ring, TB1 tube; (3) yellow cap with white ring, TB2 tube; (4) purple top with white ring, mitogen-coated. A high altitude kit is also available for locations between 3350 and 6150 feet; a cap with a yellow ring differentiates the tubes.
Temperature: 1. Maintain specimen at room temperature prior to incubation at 37 degrees C. Stability: Kit MUST be incubated within 16 hours of collection. 2. After incubation, maintain specimen at room temperature (17 degrees C to 27 degrees C). Do NOT centrifuge refrigerate, or ship tubes on ice.
LABCORP 182913 QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus
Container: Green-Top (Lithium Heparin) Tube
Temperature: After collection, the blood can be held at room temperature (17 to 25 degrees Celsius) for up to three hours, and then placed at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius for up to 48 hours. Alternatively, blood can immediately be placed at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius for up to 48 hours. *After refrigeration, the lithium heparin tube MUST equilibrate to room temperature (17 to 25 degrees Celsius) prior to the transfer to QFT-Plus Blood Collection Tubes. *Aliquoted QFT-Plus Blood Collection Tubes should be placed in the 37 degree Celsius incubator within two hours of blood transfer. *NOTE: Total time from blood draw to incubation in QFT-Plus Blood Collection Tubes should NOT exceed 53 hours.
LABCORP 808404 Quetiapine, Serum or Plasma
Container: Red-top tube OR green-top (heparin) tube. Gel-barrier tubes are NOT recommended.
Temperature: SUBMISSION/TRANSPORT (<3 days): Room Temperature. For storage beyond three days, specimen should be refrigerated or frozen.
LABCORP 791462 Quetiapine, Ur
Container: Urine transfer tube
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature up to three days. Specimens may also be refrigerated or frozen.
LABCORP 007831 Quinidine, Serum
Container: Red-top tube OR green-top (heparin) tube. DO NOT USE A GEL-BARRIER TUBE. The use of gel-barrier tubes is not recommended due to slow absorption of the drug by the gel. Depending on the specimen volume and storage time, the decrease in drug level due to absorption may be clinically significant.
Temperature: Room Temperature
LABCORP 810819 Quinine, Serum/Plasma
Container: Red-top tube or lavender-top (EDTA) tube
Temperature: Refrigerate
LABCORP 802110 Quinine/Quinidine Different.
Container: Red-top tube, lavender-top (EDTA) tube
Temperature: Refrigerate (Cool Pack)
LABCORP 805913 Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)IgE
Container: Gel-barrier tube
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature
LABCORP 827488 Quinoline Yellow - BasoFu. HRT
Container: Green-top (sodium heparin) tube: submit original tube
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature


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