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Lab | Code | Test Name | CPT4 Code | ||||||
SEH | Valporic Acid | Valporic Acid | 80164 | ||||||
SEH | Vancomycin | Vancomycin | 80202 | ||||||
SEH | Vitamin B12 | Vitamin B12 | 82607 | ||||||
SEH | Vitamin B12 & Folate | Vitamin B12 & Folate | |||||||
SEH | Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy | Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy | |||||||
LABCORP | 180042 | Vaginitis (VG) With Candida (Six Species), NuSwab(R) | 87801 87661 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 180071 | Vaginitis (VG), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), NuSwab(R) | 87801 87661 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 180039 | Vaginitis (VG), NuSwab(SM) | 87798 x3 87801 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 180068 | Vaginitis Plus (VG+) With Candida (Six Species), NuSwab(R) | 87801 87591 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 180066 | Vaginitis Plus (VG+), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), NuSwab(R) | 87591 87661 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 180021 | Vaginitis Plus (VG+), NuSwab(SM) | 87491 87801 more | ||||||
LABCORP | 706499 | Valproic Acid (Total+Free) | 80164 80165 | ||||||
LABCORP | 070789 | Valproic Acid, Free, Serum or Plasma | 80165 | ||||||
LABCORP | 840045 | Valproic Acid, Urine | 80164 | ||||||
LABCORP | 087833 | Vanadium | 83018 | ||||||