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All Test available for analysis at Saint Anthony Hospital are listed in alphabetical order with SAH in the column before the test description.
All LabCorp Test will be after the SAH provided test, again in alphabetical order. Note: all test available at Saint Anthony will be performed
at Saint Anthony.
When ordering test that are not listed in the Saint Anthony Test Menu, please provide the following information to avoid delays:

       •     Name of test and CPT code
       •     Patient Diagnosis and code

All test ordered that are not listed in the test menu will be ordered as "miscellaneous".

STAT order Turnaround Time is 60 minutes or less / Routine test Turnaround Time is 4 hours or less.

Lab Code Test Name CPT4 Code
Place Of Service: LabCorp
LABCORP 790660 Zaleplon, Serum or Plasma
Container: Red-top tube OR green-top (heparin) tube. Gel-barrier tubes are NOT recommended.
Temperature: SUBMISSION/TRANSPORT (<3 days): Room Temperature. For storage beyond three days, specimen should be refrigerated or frozen.
LABCORP 790710 Zaleplon, Urine
Container: Plastic urine container without preservative
Temperature: SUBMISSION/TRANSPORT (<3 days): Room Temperature. For storage beyond three days, specimen should be refrigerated or frozen.
LABCORP 489435 ZAP-70 Panel (ASR)
Container: Green-top (heparin) tube OR lavender-top (EDTA) tube
88187  88184  more
LABCORP 163084 Zika Virus Antibody, IgM
Container: Gel-barrier tube OR Red-Top tube OR Serum Transfer tube
Temperature: Refrigerate
LABCORP 010170 Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP)
Container: Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube OR tan-top lead-free tube; submit original tube.
Temperature: Room temperature. Stable for five days at room temperature or for seven days when refrigerated.
LABCORP 010180 Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP), Workplace
Container: Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube OR tan-top lead-free tube; submit original tube.
Temperature: Room temperature. Stable for five days at room temperature or for seven days when refrigerated.
LABCORP 070111 Zinc Random Urine 84630  82570 
LABCORP 001800 Zinc, Plasma or Serum
Container: Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube OR royal blue-top without EDTA
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature.
LABCORP 070029 Zinc, RBC
Container: Royal blue-top (EDTA) tube
Temperature: Room Temperature
LABCORP 003434 Zinc, Urine
Container: Plastic urine container, no preservative
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature.
84630  82570 
LABCORP 790384 Ziprasidone, Serum or Plasma
Container: Red-top tube OR green-top (heparin) tube. Gel-barrier tubes are NOT recommended.
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature; stable for three days. Stable refrigerated 14 days
LABCORP 503995 ZNT8 Antibodies
Container: Red-top tube, gel-barrier tube or green-top(heparin) tube
Temperature: Frozen Stability: Room temperature up to 7 days Refrigerated up to 7 days Frozen: 64 days Freeze/Thaw Cycle: Stable x6
LABCORP 808135 Zolpidem, Serum or Plasma
Container: Red-top tube or green-top (heparin) tube. Gel-barrier tubes are NOT recommended.
Temperature: SUBMISSION/TRANSPORT (<3 days): Room Temperature. For storage beyond three days, specimen should be refrigerated or frozen. Specimen is stable for three days at room temperature, for three days refrigerated, and for two weeks frozen.
LABCORP 081100 Zolpidem, Ur
Container: Plastic urine container without preservative
Temperature: Maintain specimen at room temperature NOTE: Room temperature is adequate for shipping and/or short-term storage (up to 3 days); specimens may also be refrigerated or frozen
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