Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Plasma
Test Code:
Performing Lab: LABCORP
CPT Code:
Synonym ACTH; Adrenal Corticotropin; Corticotropin
Specimen Collection Container/Tube Plastic or siliconized glass lavender-top (EDTA) tube
Volume 0.8 mL
Minimum Volume 0.3 mL (NOTE:This volume does NOT allow for repeat testing.)
Storage/Transport Temperature FREEZE immediately.
Specimen Handling ACTH SHOULD BE DRAWN BETWEEN 7 AND 10 AM. Collect into iced plastic or siliconized glass lavender-top (EDTA) tube, noting time of collection. After venipuncture, immediately immerse the tubes in an ice bath. Separate plasma from cells by centrifugation within one hour after venipuncture[1,2]. Transfer the plasma into a LabCorp PP transpak frozen purple tube with screw cap (LabCorp ID 49482) immediately. Freeze immediately and maintain frozen until tested. Contact LabCorp's supply department for special tubes. To avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, PLEASE SUBMIT SEPARATE FROZEN SPECIMENS FOR EACH TEST REQUESTED.
Specimen Type Plasma, FROZEN
Methodology Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA)
Stability Room Temperature: Unstable, Refrigerated: Unstable, Frozen: 14 days
Cause for Rejection Thawed specimen; serum or heparinized plasma specimen; specimen collected in nonsiliconized glass tube
Result Code Result Name LOINC
004441 ACTH, Plasma 2141-0
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