Gynecologic Pap Test (Image-guided), Liquid-basedPreparation and Chlamydia/Gonococcus, NAA With Reflex toHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) (Aptima(R)) When ASC-U WithReflex to HPV Genotypes 16 and 18,45
Test Code:
Performing Lab: LABCORP
CPT Code:
88175  87491  87591   
Synonym Image-guided pap with Ct/Ng reflexes to Aptima HPV when ASC-U with reflex to HPV genotypes 16 and 18,45.
Specimen Container ThinPrep(R) vial
Volume ThinPrep(R) vial
Minimum Volume A minimum volume cannot be determined for the ThinPrep(R) vial because it varies depending on the cellularity of the specimen.
Temperature Maintain specimen at room temperature. Specimens must be processed for testing within 21 days of collection for Pap.
Specimen Handling THINPREP(R) VIAL-BROOM OR BRUSH/SPATULA: BROOM-LIKE COLLECTION TECHNIQUE: Obtain a sample from the cervix using a broom-like device by inserting the brush portion into the cervical os and then rotate the brush five times. Rinse the collection device in the PreservCyt(R) solution by pushing the brush into the bottom of the vial 10 times, forcing the bristles to bend apart to release the cervical material. As a final step, twirl the brush between the thumb and forefinger vigorously to release additional cellular material. Discard the collection device. Tighten the cap on the ThinPrep(R) vial so that the torque line on the cap passes the torque line on the vial. BRUSH/SPATULA TECHNIQUE: Insert the brush into the endocervical canal until only the bottommost fibers are exposed. Slowly rotate the brush 1/4 to 1/2 turn in one direction. Do NOT over-rotate the brush. Then, rotate the brush in the PreservCyt(R) solution 10 times while pushing against the wall of the ThinPrep(R) vial. Swirl the brush vigorously to release additional material. Discard the brush. Obtain an adequate sample from the ectocervix using a plastic spatula. Swirl vigorously in the ThinPrep(R) vial 10 times and discard the spatula. Tighten the cap on the ThinPrep(R) container so that the torque line on the cap passes the torque line on the vial. OPTIONAL DEDICATED SPECIMEN FOR CHLAMYDIA AND GONOCOCCUS: Use the Gen-Probe(R) Aptima(R) swab collection kit. Clean the cervix using the larger, white-shafted swab supplied in the Gen-Probe(R) Aptima(R) swab collection kit and discard. Insert the smaller, blue-shafted swab into the cervix and rotate for 10 to 30 seconds to ensure good sampling. Carefully withdraw the blue-shafted swab, avoiding contact with the vaginal mucosa. Remove the cap from the swab specimen transport tube and immediately place the specimen collection swab into the transport tube. Break the swab shaft at the scoreline, using care to avoid splashing contents. Recap the swab specimen transport tube tightly.
Patient Prep Patient should avoid douches 48 to 72 hours prior to examination. Specimen should not be collected during or shortly after menstrual period.
Specimen Type Cervical cells in ThinPrep(R) vial
Methodology Image-guided liquid-based Pap test; nucleic acid amplification (NAA)
Unacceptable Conditions Improper collection; inadequate specimen; improper labeling; specimen leaked in transit; quantity not sufficient for analysis; name discrepancies; specimen submitted on male patient; specimen submitted in vial that expired according to manufacturer's label; frozen specimen; SurePath(TM) vial. FOR PAP: liquid-based cytology specimen more than 21 days old. FOR HPV: specimen more than 21 days old in ThinPrep(R) vial. FOR CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS AND NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE: liquid-based cytology specimen more than seven days old; Aptima(R) specimen more than 60 days old; Gen-Probe(R) Aptima(R) collection tube with multiple swabs; white-shafted cleaning swab, or any swab other than the collection swab.
Result Code Result Name LOINC
191121 Test ordered: UNLOINC
191108 DIAGNOSIS: 47528-5
191111 Recommendation: 19773-1
191109 Specimen adequacy: 19764-0
191154 Source: 19763-2
191107 Clinical history: 22636-5
191124 Amended report: UNLOINC
191110 Additional comment: 22638-1
191125 Addendum: 22639-9
191123 Maturation index: UNLOINC
191112 Performed by: 19767-3
191128 QC reviewed by: UNLOINC
191145 Diagnosis provided by: UNLOINC
191113 Electronically signed by: 19769-9
191139 Special procedure: UNLOINC
191129 Cytology history: UNLOINC
191144 QA comment: UNLOINC
019018 . 11546-9
190120 . UNLOINC
190109 Note: 8251-1
190119 . UNLOINC
186114 Chlamydia, Nuc. Acid Amp 50387-0
186122 Gonococcus, Nuc. Acid Amp 50388-8
Reflex Order Code Reflex Order Name
507805 HPV, Aptima High 16/18,45
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