Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex, NAAT
Test Code:
CPT Code:
Synonyms Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex PCR; AFB
Specimen Container Sterile Leak-Proof Container; Also acceptable: COPAN eSwab; BBL Dual Swab; CSF Sterile Tube
Minimum Volume 0.5 mL fluid
Specimen Handling Sterile Leak-Proof Container, eSwab, BBL Dual Swab Collect specimens using standard collection guidelines Note: tissue specimens should be placed in 0.5 mL sterile saline Tightly cap Refrigerate CSF Sterile Tube Collect CSF using standard collection guidelines Refrigerate
Patient Prep Indicate specimen source on test requisition form
Collection Procedure Sterile Leak-Proof Container Body Fluid Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Bronch Wash CSF Sputum Stool Tissue Urine Also acceptable: COPAN eSwab BBL Dual Swab CSF Sterile Tube Respiratory specimen processed by NaOH-NALC digestion/decontamination
Unacceptable Conditions Leaking specimens
Temperature Refrigerated (2-8°C)
Methodology Polymerase Chain Reaction by Real-Time Detection (PCR)
Stability Sterile, Leak-Proof Container, Swabs, CSF Sterile Tube Ambient: 1 hour Refrigerated: 3 days Frozen: 1 month Decontaminated and concentrated samples Ambient: 1 hour Refrigerated: 1 week Frozen: 6 months
Schedule Batched 2-3 times per week
Turn Around Time Within 4 days
Place of Service LabCorp Halsey Microbiology
Interpretive Data To perform this Test it is essential to know if the submitted specimen has been processed (digestion and decontamination procedure). This test should not be used as a substitute for culture. It should be used as an adjunct to culture. A negative result does not rule out disease. This is an amplified method used to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex nucleic acid in the raw specimen. It is used as an aid in the rapid diagnosis and treatment of a possible tuberculosis infection. A negative result does not rule out the presence of PCR inhibitors in the patient specimen or MTB DNA concentrations below the level of detection of the assay. Performance characteristics were determined by PHS Infectious Diseases and Molecular Diagnostics laboratory.
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