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General Information
Lab Test Id Test Name CPT4 Code
PHC ABGC ABG (Arterial Blood Gases), Capillary, Routine
Container: Lithium heparin capillary tube
Stability: Specimen must arrive within 30 minutes of draw. Transport capillary tube on wet ice.
PHC ABGPLS ABG (Arterial Blood Gases), Glucose, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, Potassium, Sodium, and Oximetry
Container: Lithium heparin blood gas syringe
Stability: Specimen must arrive within 30 minutes of draw. Transport syringe on wet ice.
82805  83050  more
PHC ABG ABG (Arterial Blood Gases), Routine
Container: Lithium heparin blood gas syringe
Stability: Specimen must arrive within 30 minutes of draw. Transport syringe on wet ice.
PHC TYPSRN ABO & Rh Type and Antibody Screen, Blood Stability: Room temperature: 8 hours Refrigerated: 4 days Frozen: Do Not Freeze 86850  86900  more
Container: One large lavender (EDTA) 6.0 mL
Stability: Ambient: 8 Hours / Refrigerated: 4 Days / Frozen: Unacceptable
86900  86901 
PHC TYPE2 ABO/RH (Blood Bank Use Only)
Container: One pink (EDTA) 3.0 mL
Stability: Ambient: 8 Hours / Refrigerated: 4 Days / Frozen: Unacceptable
PHC ACETA Acetaminophen, Plasma or Serum Stability: Room temperature: 8 hours Refrigerated: 14 days Frozen: 45 days 80329 
PHC ACET Acetone, Plasma or Serum, Qualitative
ACL ACRB Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody
Container: One gold gel 3.5 mL
Stability: Ambient: 48 Hours / Refrigerated: 2 Weeks / Frozen: 1 Year (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)
ACL ARBA Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking Antibody
Container: One gold gel 3.5 mL
Stability: Ambient: 48 Hours / Refrigerated: 2 Weeks / Frozen: 1 Year (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)
ACL ACETREC Acetylcholine Receptor Modulating Antibody
Container: One gold gel 3.5 mL
Stability: Ambient: 48 Hours / Refrigerated: 2 Weeks / Frozen: 1 Year (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)
ACL AFBPCR Acid Fast Bacilli, Identification by 16S Ribosomal RNA Sequencing
Container: Tissue: Fresh (optimal) or paraffin embedded (see NOTE below) Fluid: (non-blood) from normally sterile sites collected in Vacutainer tubes without preservative or Lavender top (EDTA) tube Respiratory specimens can be tested for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and/or Mycobacterium avium complex only. NOTE: Regarding Paraffin Embedded Tissue: Formalin dramatically reduces the sensitivity of the assays due to reduced template yield and quality. Fresh tissue is the optimal specimen of choice, as it reduces the chance of introducing exogenous DNA templates or microorganisms during embedding/fixation.
87551  87556 
ACL APCRAR Activated Protein C Resistance w/ Reflex
Container: Two light blue (3.2% sodium citrate) 2.7 mL AND one lavender (EDTA) 3.0 mL
Stability: Citrated Plasma: Ambient: Unacceptable / Refrigerated: Unacceptable / Frozen: 2 Weeks (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles) Whole Blood: Ambient: 72 Hours / Refrigerated: 14 Days / Frozen: Unacceptable
ACL ADALIM Adalimumab and Antibodies to Adalimumab Quantitation
Container: One gold gel 5.0 mL
Stability: Ambient: 2 Days / Refrigerated: 2 Weeks / Frozen: 1 Month (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)
80145  82397 
PHC ADAMTS ADAM TS13 Stability: Room temperature: 7 days Refrigerated: 7 days Frozen: 2 weeks 85397 
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